ConnectWise connector

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What is ConnectWise?

ConnectWise is a SaaS solution comprising several cybersecurity-related tools for Technology Solution Providers.

ConnectWize offers products in 4 main areas:

business: automation, specialized documentation, real-time data;
management: automation, remote control, backup and restoration of customer data;
security: threat detection, fully equipped SOC (security operations center);
expert services: help desk.

What can the ConnectWise connector do?

Youzer enables your HRIS and your IS (AD for example) to connect in order to reconcile accounts and users across all your software.

How does the ConnectWise connector work?

link to the editor of
Automate user accounts on Connectwise
Discover our other connectors

Youzer centralizes your account, user and application information. You can manage ConnectWise and all your applications in one place. Automate account creation, modification and suspension, manage your users, secure your IT.

Find out how to manage your users and their access

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