Microsoft 365 Connector

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What is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is a solution that brings together many well-known tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint ... in the cloud and therefore available from anywhere. The suite is then expanded with more collaborative tools such as Teams, Skype, Yammer but also storage with OnDrive. 365 is updated automatically which reinforces its high level of security and makes it evolve constantly. Its main strength is its collaborative aspect, you can work together on the same can with Microsoft 365 create administrative units and thus confer administrator roles to certain people. Office 365 also allows you to create distribution groups in the sending of your emails to save time on your frequent mailings.

What can the Microsoft 365 connector do?

Youzer's Microsoft 365 connector allows you to list all the accounts registered in your 365 instance. It also allows you to automate the creation, modification and suspension of Microsoft 365 accounts.

The main attributes you can manage are FirstName, LastName, Alias (Email), Distribution Groups...

You can also control attributes like EmployeeId, EmployeeType, Company, JobTitle.

Licensing can also be done automatically at creation, for example through the management of Microsoft 365 groups.

Even if you have an Active Directory synchronized with AD Connect, it is rather convenient to create the 365 accounts directly with the Microsoft 365 Youzer connector without waiting for the replication of the accounts created on your Active Directory by your AD Connect: this allows you to have the 365 account available without waiting and to have the right licenses or distribution groups immediately.

How does the Microsoft 365 connector work?

Microsoft 365 has a rich API platform and allows you to perform all the necessary operations via Microsoft's APIs (graph API). The Youzer connector uses these APIs to manage the different actions of creating, modifying, reading the different accounts on your Microsoft 365 instance.

Upon installation of the Microsoft 365 Connector, Youzer will open a consent window to authorize the Microsoft 365 Youzer Connector on your Microsoft 365 instance.

For some advanced features such as converting a mailbox into a shared mailbox, it will be necessary to fill in a secondary authentication, because Microsoft APIs have some limitations that are compensated by the use of powershell scripts.

If you have multiple 365 instances, you can create one Youzer connector per Microsoft 365 instance.

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Microsoft 365
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Youzer centralizes your account, user and application information. You can manage Microsoft 365 and all your applications in one place. Automate your account creations, modifications and suspensions, manage your users, secure your IT.

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