Slack connector

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What is Slack?

Slack is a collaborative tool that allows direct and more spontaneous exchanges within a company. There are public or private groups in which you can exchange. Documents can be exchanged and attachments can be easily found in a separate section. Depending on whether you are using the free or the paid version, you will have a history of your conversations.

It allows for better communication in teamwork. Slack works with channels that group together people from the same work group. This facilitates written and vocal exchanges.

Slack is also compatible with many applications and thus allows interactions and automations. Its main competitors are Microsoft's Teams and Google Chat.

What can the Slack connector do?

The Slack connector allows you to list the different Slack accounts of all your users, to invite new users, or to suspend a Slack account.

The main attributes you can manage on Slack are email, FullName and display name.

Even if your Slack instance is connected to an SSO (Google Workspace for example), the invitation generation can be done with Youzer. Once the account is created by the user, he will be able to connect with his Google Workspace account to access his Slack account.

How does the Slack connector work?

Slack has some APIs that allow to automate actions (invitation, suspension for example). These APIs are used by the Slack connector on the Youzer platform.

When creating the Slack connector Youzer will redirect you to a consent screen where you can agree to Youzer's connection to your Slack instance so that the connector can list all accounts, among other things.

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Automate user accounts on Slack
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Youzer centralizes your account, user and application information. You can manage Slack and all your applications in one place. Automate your account creations, modifications and suspensions, manage your users, secure your IT.

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