Lucca connector

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What is Lucca?

Lucca is a software in SaaS mode for administrative and human resources that allows to automate some processes and to obtain more simplicity in the daily missions. Lucca is an HRIS for its personnel management.

Lucca allows you to manage everything around HR such as payroll, vacations, personnel management... but also expense reports, business cards.

This software is pleasant to use and easy to use. It automates actions such as processing pay slips by collecting information.

Lucca by its operation in SaaS mode is easily integrated with other tools in SaaS like Slack, Zapier ...

What can the Lucca connector do?

The Lucca HR connector allows you to retrieve the list of users (internal employees) of your company in order to list them in Youzer. This import (unidirectional) allows you to have an HR repository that is always up to date with the information entered in Lucca by your HR department.

The main fields retrieved by the connector are: name, first name, arrival date, departure date...

The Youzer connector also retrieves the manager information: this allows you to know who is the manager of each user if the information has been entered in Lucca. This information is updated as soon as your HR department makes a modification in Lucca because the connector will regularly import the most recent modifications.

It is also possible to retrieve custom fields that your HR department may have created in Lucca. To do this, you just need to create the corresponding mappings in Youzer in order to import the information into the right fields in Youzer.

How does the Lucca connector work?

The Lucca HR Connector uses the APIs provided by the Lucca vendor to retrieve the various information.

Setting up the connector requires an API key that can be created in Lucca by your HR department for example.

When creating this key in Lucca, you must specify by checking the appropriate options that you want to access users who will arrive soon as well as users or collaborators who have left.

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Automate user accounts on Lucca
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Youzer centralizes your account, user and application information. You can manage Lucca and all your applications in one place. Automate your account creations, modifications and suspensions, manage your users, secure your IT.

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