Understanding validation circuits in 2 min

Lucie Parcé


Marketing Manager


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News from the IAM
A manual process for validating requests for IT resources is a chore for everyone. Let's take a look at how automating a validation workflow can make requesting IT resources simple.


Tired of accumulating tickets, post-it notes and software requests at the coffee machine?

You need a validation process for IT resource requests in your company.

With a system for processing requests in the IT department and a validation process, there's no more risk of forgetting or wasting time going back and forth between employees.

The manual resource request process

Companies generally have anonboarding process, but there are also requests that fall outside this process, and it's these that cause problems.

For these requests :

  • Employee must have manager's approval
  • The manager must make a request to the IT department,
  • Purchasing department must check contracts with publisher or supplier
  • The IT department has to go back and forth with the manager, the employee and the purchasing department to collect and validate information and create the account.

In the manual process, there are three major drawbacks: lack of traceability, long response times and "jeopardizing" safety.

‍In effect, the employee has no follow-up on his request and the manager, for lack of time, may validate too quickly without checking whether the access rights requested correspond to his level of responsibility.

Setting up a resource request process

First, you need to set up a validation process: the validation cycle.

An official process will be decided internally, through which everyone will pass, to simplify and structure requests within the company, which will be the validation workflow.

We then need to decide who will be the validators and managers for each resource.

Once the workflow has been set up and validated, it needs to be automated to ensure shortened lead times for resource requests.

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Automated validation workflow

To automate the validation workflow, it's a good idea to use anIAM (Identity Access Management) tool, i.e. a tool for managing your users, their accounts and applications.

At Youzer, to automate a workflow, you need to define 6 parameters:

  • validator groups
  • minimum number of validators
  • your validation circuit
  • resources eligible for workflow
  • your validation circuits for each resource
  • managers for each resource

Once you've set up the workflow, making a request is simple!

The manager requests software for one of his employees.

Validators receive an e-mail which allows them to validate or reject the request.

Once validated, the manager (who may be the IT department) receives the resource creation request.

With one click, he creates the account and the user receives his login and password.

The manager is informed that the account has been created.


With our Self-service feature you can :

  • Centralize information
  • Improving traceability
  • Facilitating the validation cycle
  • Reduce response time

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