Create your IT request validation circuits in 6 steps

Maxime Tolub


Marketing manager


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ITSM automation
Why are automatic validation circuits essential for IT resource requests? What are the solutions and tools for implementing them? Let us explain what validation workflows are and how to automate them for your business.


Don't let validation circuits be a neglected subject that falls by the wayside. They play a vital role in the efficiency of your company's validation processes.

Each request needs to be validated by the various parties involved, such as managers, financial managers, HR, etc.

However, without a validation process, processing these requests can be time-consuming and lead to costly errors. That's where the validation workflow comes in.

What is a validation circuit?

The validation circuit is a process enabling companies to structure and automate and automate internal and and validations for efficient, secure decision-making.

It can also be called a validation workflow or validation cycle, as it involves several people who are responsible for approving or rejecting requests that pass through a process. It's a key element in ensuring the consent of each party, and above all of the right people.

It ensures that the right people are involved in the validation process, and that they receive all the information they need to make informed decisions.

The aim is to improve the company's productivity by having a clear vision of the validation stages.

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What are the benefits of a validation circuit?

  • Shorter lead times: automated processes speed up approvals and reduce information processing times.
  • A clear, familiar process: resource allocation is structured and automated. Users no longer have to go directly to the purchasing or IT departments to make their requests.
  • All information is available: all information on the user, manager and requested resource is known to your IAM solution, decision making for validators is simplified and resource creation is just a click away.
  • Ensures traceability: we know who is requesting, who is validating, who is creating the resource and for which user.
  • Improved security: by providing a structured framework for approvals, the risk of error is minimized.
  • Request tracking: The manager has a clear view of whether the request has been validated, refused or is in the process of being validated.
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How do you set up a validation circuit for your business?

To set up an efficient validation circuit, you need a specialized tool such asIAM (Identity and Access Management) tools. These tools are recommended because they are designed to manage the identity and access lifecycle within a company. Workflows are configured in IAM tools using validation rules defined by the company.

Let's take a look at the 6 steps involved in creating the validation workflow:

1. Validator group

The first step is to create validator groups. Hold a meeting with finance, HR, management or IT to determine how many validator groups are needed. Validator groups should be made up of the relevant people, not an entire department.

Validator groups are empowered to validate or not the requests they receive from managers.

Let's assume that a validator group for financial resources has been set up, made up of several people from the finance department who will have to deal with requests concerning the financial aspect.

2. Minimum number of validators

Once you've decided on the validator groups, you need to decide how many validations are required for a resource. Logically, if the resource is very complex and provides precise and sensitive access to company data, then you'll need to set a high minimum number of validations to ensure security.

On the other hand, if an employee just wants to have access to a resource enabling him to communicate with his teams, then the minimum number of validations will be lower.

3. Validation circuit

The next step is to create validation circuits. This is when you decide which validator groups will be required to validate resource requests. Depending on the relevance of the resource, one or more validator groups may be required to accept the request. With these circuits, each resource can be assigned to the appropriate validator group, reducing the risk of potential errors.

4. Eligible resources

It's up to you to define which resources can be requested by autonomous managers. Not all resources need to be included. Software that provides important strategic information for the company, or that is reserved exclusively for the CODIR, should not be accessible for manager requests.

5. Link your circuits to your resources

Once you've set up the validation circuit and the eligible resources, you'll need to link them. For each resource, you'll decide which validation circuit it should go through in order to be validated or not.

For example, for resources relating to contract negotiations, the request will go through the validation circuit where the financial validation groups are located.

6. Define managers

Finally, you assign one or more managers to each resource, whose role is to complete the validation workflow by creating/assigning the requested resource. At this stage, they will send the identifiers to the users.

They will validate the creation of the resource, which will automatically send an e-mail to the manager to inform him of the end of the workflow.


Automatic validation workflow is an important consideration for your business, and a key to increased productivity. By adopting this process, you eliminate delays and long processing times. What's more, by providing a structured, centralized framework, you reduce the risk of human error and ensure optimum compliance. This is why an IAM tool should be considered, and the solution we offer with Youzer addresses the issues of authorization management. You can see for yourself how the validation workflow works via a demo.

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