Why is a good offboarding process essential?

Maxime Tolub


Marketing manager


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News from the IAM
Offboarding: the importance and improvement of the employee departure process for the company's security and reputation.


Offboarding is the final stage in the life cycle of a corporate user. It's the moment when an employee leaves, and it brings together all the means put in place by the company to ensure that he or she leaves under the best possible conditions.

These steps range from a simple farewell drink to the removal of access to company software.

The offboarding process is often neglected to the detriment of other stages in the employee lifecycle, notablyonboarding.

To welcome an employee, HR puts in place a process to ensure that he or she quickly feels at ease in the company and is up and running with the allocation of software packages. This stage is a major challenge, but so is offboarding.

Some companies may overlook the departure of an employee. They may say to themselves "We won't be seeing him after all". But that's a big mistake!

It's vital to support employees when they leave, whether through redundancy or voluntarily.

Why bother with offboarding?

The departure of an employee must be taken seriously. Take the case of an employee who has left a company on bad terms. His departure has left him with a very bad memory, which he may spread to other companies or on social networks with negative reviews. And yes, it' s possible that he'll stay in the same field or sector of activity. So much for a good corporate image.

Often, when an employee leaves a company, he or she may come back a few years later with better skills and knowledge, so it would be a shame to lose a good employee for good. That's why it's always important to leave a good impression.

Let's go a step further and imagine the worst. If the employee still has access to certain company applications, it could be very dangerous if he decides to sabotage your activities. So there's a major security issue at stake here too.

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How can we improve the offboarding process?

During the offboarding process, it' s important to consider both the human and technical aspects.

  • Inform teams, organize a farewell party
  • Pass on current assignments to teams
  • Conduct a final interview for feedback
  • Manage administrative aspects
  • Keep in touch with the employee.

On the technical side, we recommend closing or suspending accounts, transferring user rights and requesting the return of equipment.

To facilitate implementation of these offboarding process improvements, Youzer offers a solution that automates the process.

Features you may be interested in include account suspension or deletion on departure. A notification appears on your dashboard to inform you of arrivals and departures, making it easier for you to manage your stock and licenses.

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